I've been trying to kick up my video game but with all the technical difficulties it's been hard, but it's cool I still got two in :)
The first is a look I wore on xmas day on the way back to the airport. It was pretty quick and sorry that I didn't have a lot of finished looks at the end!
The second is a foundation video I made before going out last night...the video color kinda gos from light to dark, sorry! But you get the jist!
So please watch and subscribe and let me know if you guys have any more suggestions :) I might just do another purple video since my labtop died and it's stored on there :(
I appreciate constructive criticism and feedback :)

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great vids girl! i do the SAME technique w/ my foundation when i use liquid.
here's another great technique for liquid. use a concealer brush, dip it into your liquid foundation, dab it on the cheeks, chin, and forehead. spritz a kabuki w/ fix+, drag out the foundation to evenly distribute around your face then buff out. works miracles also!
and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the feel of smashbox photo primer. if only all products finished like that, lol.
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