Happy Halloween and FOTN
So it's Friday already! These last few weeks have been flying by! I think it's because I've been in my new position at my corporate job for almost two months now and I have a really great boss so the work days fly by.

Anywho, lots of parties this weekend? I have a sweet sixteen gig on Saturday so that's my Saturday night! I've also put myself on a major budget so I'm not going to be doing as much hauling. I'm trying to get my budget on point especially with Christmas coming up. I did buy one palette from the holiday collection but that's it. I'll do a post on my look soon. Meanwhile, I have a million videos to get up in the next two to three weeks.
For the look I was attempting to copy the look using one of the Mineralized Eyeshadow trios Interview. I saw someone wearing it on Specktra and I thought it was gorg!

Like my shirt? When I was a baby my family used to call me Mr. T because my hair stuck straight up in a flat top shape, lol. Luckily gravity got to it and it started growing downwards instead. The shirt is a freebie from a t-shirt campaign shoot I worked on. Check them out at http://www.sayonme.com/ I'll have a more detailed post on these shirts soon!