I had the opportunity to try out these nifty gadget called DentaBurst - Freshening Teeth Cleaners. At first, I thought that this might be a bit gimmicky. I'm usually a makeup kind of gal afterall, lol, and my reviews don't usually extend to the dental industry.
I went ahead and passed these out to a few of my friends as well for them to try. My best friend, co-worker and boyfriend all tried them. Good feedback from everyone!
Dentaburst comes in packs of 12 individually wrapped teeth cleaners.

The individual packets look like this.

Here's what's on the inside. A finger sized teeth cleaner. One edge is made of gauze...

And the other has these raised circles which are supposed to "clean your teeth". There's also a fine powder on there which is like a freshening toothpaste powder.

You slip it on your finger lik so...the bumpy end goes on the bottom of your finger.

I used these a few times. My first reaction was that I felt like I was at the dentist, lol. However, after I got over that I used this and scrubbed it on the front of my teeth, the molars, even the roof of my mouth and my tongue. It really does make your breath fresh...and your teeth feel squeaky clean. The scrubbers combined with the powder give you a little pick me up when you don't have time for brushing your teeth.
I probably wouldn't have purchased this on my own...but now that I've tried it, I'm definitely keeping this in my purse. This is especially good after you have lunch and you get that yucky after taste in your mouth. For those of you who like to brush your teeth after meals, I think this is better...because who knows how clean the water is in public rest rooms, lol. I used this also on Saturday night right before going to the club...yall know you need fresh breath, especially you single gals out there! I used it with my dazzleglass and lipliner on...and I was able to preserve the lip product while keeping my mouth fresh. Hmmm another scenario...let's say you fall asleep and wake up with that stank morning breath...this is a quick and easy solution. Especially if you have a new boo by your side, cough cough, wink wink...wouldn't want to freak him/her out...just grab one of these babies, lol.
In sum, I probably would have breezed past these in the aisles without a second thought. But when I think of it, this is a great alternative to gum! I'm going to keep a pack in my purse and bring some with me when I travel (i.e. long plane trips without brushing your teeth...gross!)$2.99 for a pack of 12....not bad at all. You can find them at Target, CVS, Rite-Aid and Walgreens. So what are you waiting for, go grab some!
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These sound great, I hope they come to the UK-I would definitely try them!
that is a cool product! LOL never seen 'em!!! But that would look funny if your special someone caught you doing the "rubbing" motion on your teeth with your fingers! LOL Major embarrassment!
B has been talking about these a lot and I STILL have yet to try them lol. If i see some I definitely will!
I remember a product exactly like this that came out a few years ago called Brush Ups.
They would be interesting to try but I don't think I could give up my gum for them lol.
Impressive!! Great alternative to the post-lunch teeth-brushing :)
I tried a similar product to this a few years ago. They work pretty well but its not the same as brushing, I mean if you're hungover at someone else's apt, then yeah they work pretty well. Note to self no more drinking and getting hungover at other ppl's apts...
LOL. have you seen the commercial for these? it cracks me the hell up, that's why i haven't bought them yet. but you're right. great item to keep in your purse instead of a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Great review! I love the different scenarios you mentioned that would make DentaBurst useful. Haha. They shoud make commercials like that!
Thanks for the review girl. I really hate that nasty bland feeling in your mouth after you get off the plane. This will work great for those occasions!
hahaha i love this:
Hmmm another scenario...let's say you fall asleep and wake up with that stank morning breath...this is a quick and easy solution. Especially if you have a new boo by your side, cough cough, wink wink...wouldn't want to freak him/her out...just grab one of these babies, lol
anyway great review! I still yet have to do mine.
Yes dentaburst is a great product I have tried it myself.
sharon rose: maybe if they do well here, they'll come over to u guys!
askmewhats: that's why you have to be sneaky with it, lol...it beats putting toothpaste on your finger, lol...
jaimie: go pick em up girl!
mina: yah i still have my gum, but the dentaburst is in there for extra special occasions
couturecarrie: i know right, gotta love it!
ethereal prey: lol, been there before girl!
g: lol i haven't seen them yet but i want to now!
tracy: lol they should right, i mean at least for our age group
blahsayblah: try em girl!
ladyjane: i knowww...i'm so bringing these with me to costa rica in a few weeks!
anne: lol you like that huh...can't wait for your review!
product junkie diva: i know, it actually works right!
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