Happy Halloween season! I'm super excited to start my Halloween tutorials with a bang by giving you a super creepy, but surprisingly easy look to achieve. When I was searching for awesome costume ideas this year, I kept coming across the tv commercial advertising for the new season of American Horror Story. In particular, the white faced, black teary nun really caught my eye. This is also a look you could totally pull off last minute. Check it out!
Check out the video!
Onto a breakdown of the products:
I purchased the costume on Amazon. However, you can also totally do this yourself. I saw people take a white shirt shirt sleeve and push their head through it to get the habit. You can also rock a white turtleneck and pin a white piece of fabric to the top of your head.
I also have on black sclera lenses. They really do complete the look but do take some practice putting in and getting used to. I just did a random google search and found them for about $60.
To get this look, you really need white and black makeup. I really love Graftobian Pro Paint - a water activated cake makeup. It gets really opaque quickly.

I also used regular old glue stick to block my brows. It makes the look much creepier.
I threw a tiny bit of blush in the center of my lip to give some color to the look. Rock this with a pair of white sneakers and you're good to go! Hope you all enjoyed. I plan on uploading my Halloween tutorials twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays...a total of 6 tutorials coming up. Stay tuned!
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