Hi Bellas,
This post isn't exactly makeup related, but I wanted to share with you guys a product that I've come across and I find absolutely amazing!
Introducing...Poo-Pourri! Funny title huh? The name says it all...it's basically a deodorizer spray for when you go number 2. Unlike most air fresheners, you spray Poo-Pourri before you "take a seat". Spray 4-6 squirts directly into the toilet bowl water beforehand, and voila! No fumes are emitted during the process. Instead, you're left with a citrus fresh blend of Lemon-grass, Bergamot, Grapefruit and other natural essential oils that leave the bathroom smelling clean and fresh!

I created my own focus group for testing out this product including: the BF, my bro, my bestie Sai, her BF and myself. After getting back feedback, it worked on all of us - girls and guys alike. My bestie's BF who's a PHD student at Georgia Tech explained that the milky liquid coats the toilet water to trap the methane gases. Makes sense right?
Another benefit of this product is that the manufacturer gave it ultra cute packaging. You can stick it in your bathroom and not worry about it looking odd or out of place.
I love this product so much I gave it out as a stocking stuffer to my friends and family. It's such a cute idea...I mean everyone has a use for it.
I'm going to give away 5 travel sized versions of Poo-Pourri to stick in your purse for when you're on the go. This is perfect for bringing with you to the office or random public restrooms...it's brilliant! No more fear of causing embarassing bathroom blunders.

Check them out at http://www.poopourri.net/. They offer a 30 day absolute money back guarantee if this product doesn't work for you. They also offer other versions of the spray including the "Royal Flush" which is designed in a more masculine container for the hubbies out there. Other scents and gift packages are also available on the website.

Leave a comment and I'll pick 5 of you at random to receive the spray. I'll announce the winners tomorrow!
Till next time, Ciao Bellas!
***Pictures from http://www.poopourri.net/
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oh ren this is so funny! hahaha i was wondering if it would be possible for you to post some more pictures of the weddings you might have done if you don't mind :) tia! :D
I think my brother met someone on a plane that invented this or was close to the person who invented it like 4 years ago. He gave my brother these really tiny samples to try out. I can't remember if it worked for my brother.
Ha! That is hilarious, I have to try it out.
Thanks for looking out Ren ;-)
omg I have been ignoring this cause for some reason I thought it was for pets! LOL what a smart product
That is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the review on this product, I think I will look into it for our home!
This is a great idea! I really need to get some for my husband! lol
oh man.
that made me lol. oh the inventions of today! its so useful :)
that's so ingenious yet hilarious at the same time! haha. it's true though...everyone would have a need for it.
HAHAHA, this sounds so funny, i woudl love to give it a go, well at least make my hubby use it!
OMG. Bahaahah! I love that name! Man, I'd definitely make the hubby use that! Always good in public places to...ew.
dude, i'd SO try this ;]
omg i want!!!! especially since my bro takes the WORST dumps and my sis has the most FOUL farts ever! lmao!!!
oh my gosh! I wanna try this! LOL
omg that is too funny! Why didnt someone think of this sooner...def perfect for when u have a man in the house lol cuz u know I dont do that kind of stuff...
haha omg i love this! it would be perfect for my boyfriend who always pollutes the bathroom when he goes #2! lol
Ohh! Thats sooo funny yet useful!
Lol!!! I love it!! And want it! Hah.
lol this reminds me japan's fake flushing noises. turns out girls in japan were wasting too much water from flushing to cover up any bowel soundtracks, so they installed fake flushing noises, haha!
haha...this is funny girl! Its like Smart Mouth for your toilet. TY mama!
that is too funny! wonders if that really works or not
i love the names of the product especially "royal flush." its so cute! i'll have to try it out sometime.
You are too cute. Not only are your makeup tutorials and reviews are great. Nothing is off limit. You are so real and true to thyself. Very refreshing. Take Care.
I have recently become an avid fan of your work and actually decided to create my own blog. Something that I find interesting about this giveaway is the fact that you didn't want/need a funny story about an experience that we had with number 2!! Laugh. Instead you are giving it away at random. Which I do think is valid and fun, but I was really wanting to hear some funny stories. Take care and keep in mind that I love your work!! I even got MUF 92, I wore it on Friday and people loved it!
Oh my god this is so funny! Where was this stuff when I worked with a bunch of old ladies 3 years ago!! YUCK they can really tear it up in the office bathrooms! They still do! You are so funny I need this stuff i have a house full of boys im the only girl in the house! Cant wait to show my husband the website so he can get a good laugh out of it!! Thanks ren ren...
This is a Very Funny Idea Loll !
Ooh that sounds interesting. What a useful invention. =P
This is by far the funniest and best invetion ever. I'd definitely leave this in my office bathroom haha
i was wondering if there was some miracle product like this, hahaa. hello birthday presents! :)
haha i think i should buy this for this for my friends. hahah :p
hahaha! that is so funny! i like how they have a masculine one too! these would make for nice his-and-her gifts! =P
Oh my goodness...a god send...now I can buy it and shove it in my hubby's face...hoping he'll use it! lol
I think this is a great tool to put in your purse! HA! Especially at the office, nobody likes an office stinker..lol.
this sounds awesome! i saw something similar but not nearly as cutely named at Marukai. it's called "one drop"...I never bought it but I heard it works wonders.
What a great idea! I think I should get some for my brother in law =D
LOL.. i wanna try
OMG I need this product!!! I carry my own body spray or small perfume bottle with me when I use the restroom. HAHAHAH!!! Thanks for the review!!!
haha thanks for posting this - I was just telling my bf about this (or a similar product) from a blog I read but I couldn't remember what it was called!
I loove the name :)
signing up for the giveaway
This is a heavens sent product for anyone with Crohns disease like myself...who as my freinds and I say that our 'monkey buisness' can get a tad rough on the sniffer haha!!
Haha that sounds awesome! If I get one I'll test it out then I'm giving it straight to my bf cuz man...eww. His roomates and him UGHHHHH!!! I believe I don't need to explain the excruciating details of how it might smell lol. It'll be a hint the rest of them needs to get one too!
That's so cute!
oooh i wanna try this one!
that is awesome... i gotta try it.
Ren .. I love you! Where did you find this? LOL ... it's such an awesome idea and the packaging is so cute! Love it ... will definitely buy! Thanks love =)
LMAO!!! This is TOOO funny! (And needed when you have roommates!!)
Thats sounds amazing. Do you know if it is available to buy somewhere other then the website?
Wow, I never knew that they invented anything this cool! I totally need it for my husband... hahaha.. and me.. haha.. anyways.. thanks for letting us know renren....
i needed this stuff yesterday when i was at internship...it was bad ya'll
My poo stinks help me!
what a cute idea. cleaver too. i think this would be great in every home and everyone would appreciate it!
Lol, sooo much better than lighting a match!
I saw this before on one of the airplane shopping mags! HAHAHA I tore it out and gave it to my BF. I hope I get it!
hahaha this product is so cute!
Oh my, I would love this! I'm always filled with anxiety when I have those "times" in the bathroom, hoping no one walks in.
oh man thats cool! haha
my mom uses MATCHES!! LOL
I hate droppin duces at the bf's house. I mean my poop don't always smell funky but u know u got those days where not even you can stand it because u ate something weird.
oh geez.
baby poop is far the worst. i wonder if you can spray it on diapers haha.
YAY! I figured the whole comment thing out. Now you know youre gonna be blown up with comments now right? LOL!
So anywho onto the doo doo spray. When I first glanced at the blog I was like "who the eff names a perfume after poopy" but as I kept reading I was amazed, and to know that it works is even more impressive.
Hope I get to try it out soon! With living in a house full of boys you know I"m gonna be using it up! LOL!
ahha Poo pouri. it has a cute nameee.. i should get one for family. we need one! aha
by the wayy i really think that you should do a tutorial on the look you did for new years eve. it was fab!!
Hehe, this is a popular post! It also reminds me of Just'a Drop (http://www.justadrop.ca/justadrop/index.html). I really wanna try these products out!
That name reminds me of a youtube video! It's called Glade Plug Up or something like that, LOL :)
This is the best thing ever! I have a fear of going to the bathroom in public places!! I think this product could solve that problem!
This is the best thing ever! I have a fear of going to the bathroom in public places!! I think this product could solve that problem!
lol, how funny but useful! I've never heard of that but it is something interesting to pick up!
haha.. i love it. this is great! what will they think of next? =)
Hi there-what a fantastic product, thanks for letting us all know how good it is!
That is totally genius!
this is new. some people are so inventive:) i'd love to try it.
p.s. RenRen love what you do
OOh what a neat idea! HAHA
I've heard of this stuff but never knew where to find it, I hope I win!! Thanks :-)
man, i sure would like to win one. i know who id give it to. haha! i hope i get one! this is too funny.
have a blessed day.
holy crap! just the thing I need to give my husband!!! EVERY DAY he comes home from work, he sets aside his usual 30 min date with the toilet and I can't go in there for AT LEAST 45 minutes even with the fan on..eww..this will definitely help with his bathroom use!! I want it sooooo bad!!!!
Very cleverly named!!
You guys should try Just a Drop, It really works too, Well my wife said that is was pure genius, You can bring it everywhere too. I think you can buy it online and wall mart. justadrop.ca
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