A few weekends ago I provided makeup services for a 3 day Arabic Wedding. It was a great experience...the bridal party was so nice I truly felt like family. I was even invited to the reception!
Day one I traveled to the condo the family was renting to get ready for the first day of festivities. I wasn't sure what look I would be doing until I got there. Once there, it seemed like the general consensus was to go for a smokey burgundy look.
First up, we had the sister. She had graduated from high school with a Cosmetology License so she wasn't afraid of color at all...this is music to my ears! She wanted a really smokey look. It's funny because I would be done and she would say a little more...a little darker...this was a first for me! Most times people want less, not more. But I aim to please! It took a couple of extra layers to achieve the drama she wanted but the end result was amazing. I added a nude lip to help balance out the rest of her face. She has a really funky rock star personality and her family agreed that the makeup totally suited her. You might not be able to tell...but her skin had gotten a crazy reaction to having her entire face threaded for the first time! She had a breakout all over. My trusty Cinema Secrets foundation covered everything though!

Next we had the mother of the bride. Crazy enough, she also had some last minute skin emergencies! They had gotten henna done the day before and when she fell asleep, some of the henna transferred from her hands to her face. She had a henna imprint on her chin. I actually ended up airbrushing her and everything was covered. We also went with a burgundy smokey eye but we made it more subtle to suit the mom's tastes.

Last, but not least, we have the bride! We airbrushed her and her skin looked absolutely flawless in person. She truly looked like a blushing bride.

Again we went for a burgundy smokey eye but we tried to make it soft and romantic. She looked phenomenal! She told me her family said "Wow you don't need foundation your skin looks great!"...she told them "It's the airbrush!" he he.

Stay tuned for posts of day 2 and 3 of the wedding.
Atlanta Makeup Artist
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wow they all look wonderful!!!! :)
You do really great work!
That's a hot bride.
absolutely stunning!
GORGEOUS!! Simply stunning. You are so great at what you do!! :-)
Wow ren total AWE at your sick skills.
They're all such beautiful woman, especially the bride, as she should be on her wedding day(s). You did a fantastic job, I'd love to here how you did it!
What eye shadow colors did you use? Thanks, Ren!
wow beautiful, all of them. that airbrushing does wonders.
wow, all three of them are super beautiful!!
love the eyes!
they all look great - my fave is the sister - can't see an outbreak at all!
Those last 2 images are stunning! The makeup is perfect, and really well complemented by the yellow top!
P.S. Honest opinion: do you think jade & blue shadows are too costume-y for everyday wear? I trust you completely!
Wow the bride looks stunning!
OMG the bride is gorgeous....ren i swear you do some beautiful looks...to do makeup on older to younger woman takes skill man...amazing!
great job they all look soo pretty!
woww.. they all look absolutely amazing. great job!! then again all the other wedding photo's i've seen from you are all great too :P
You mos def got skills! Love it!
i think this is more indian, the girl looks really indian to me not arab. but it looks great!
Girl, you are so talented! They all look so beautiful... but helps that they were already beautiful to begin with. :)
WOW lol omg she had a hand print of henna on her face, lol memories for years to come, sounds like something I'll read on fmlife.com, also f Danger from ray J.
nice job, & the bride is absolutely stunning!!
you did an amazing job on all the gals! i wish i lived in the ATL, cause i'd love to be your assistant one day. I bet I could learn a lot!
hey renren,
all three of the ladies look phenomenal! i especially like the bride's makeup look...could you make a video of it? =)
oh could you do a tutorial on the basics of using an airbrush machine and how to airbrush?
or how the achieve the air brushed look without using an air brush machine? 'cas not everyone has acessabilty to that.
Beautiful!! what is the bride wearing as a blush? i'm a NC 43 and i think it would look good on my skin?
Your a pro blogger and makeup artist. I'm from jersey, my friend and I just started our FIRST make up blog! we've been following you since foreverr!!xox
gorgeousness - they all look so pretty and wow! to the bride :)
Ren, I thought I should let you know someone is using your work and passing it off as their own. http://www.saprinaallen.com/services.html. She posted it on her website and on a craiglist ad.
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