So today I called in busy schedule has gotten to me. Last night I took a nap to recover and woke up and my throat and glands were soooo swollen. I took the day off and slept in till 1:30pm! So I had some time to recover...and play with makeup!
If you haven't checked out, go now! It's a great resource for beauty especially if you are of Asian descent. The community offers so much support and constructive criticism. It's especially good if you're starting out in makeup b/c the ladies offer step by step tutorials and lots of different looks. One of the members, Ilurvemakeup has been rocking some white eyeliner in her looks and it is HOT!
The technique of layering white eyeliner on top of black eyeliner is actually reminiscent of something I used to do back in the day. Actually I still do it now when I layer black eyeliner on top of bright colored liquidlast liners or fluidlines.
So props go out to Ilurvemakeup. I did a look where I incorporated the whiteliner that made her famous. I didn't want to do anything too I basically just used two colors: white and blue eyeshadow and then put a highlight color on top. Took 5 minutes to do!
Here's what I used (All MAC unless otherwise stated):
-soft ochre paint pot
-gesso e/s
-atlantic blue e/s (pro color)
-naked lunch e/s
-revlon colorstay liquid liner in blackest black
-nyx white eyeliner
-shiseido mascara base
-diorshow mascara
-eyebrow pencil in spiked
-cork e/s
-mineralized skinfinish natural in medium dark
-mineralized skinfinish in warmed
-totally it lipglass
-flashmode lustreglass

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Ah! I accidently deleted my comment. Sorry! Hehe...
I said that I love your edgy hair cut suits your makeup style! Love this look!
P.S. I have you listed on my blog as a link, I hope that's ok :)
beautiful sis! reminds me of alexander mccqueen minus the corner shapr :)
Ooohhh love your look sis! Might have to try the two eyeliner look one day. And I hope you feel better!
Now YOU can rock the blue shadows!!! GORGEOUS! Your hair suits you so well, I love it! It's cute and fun! I'm still growing mine out, I want to make my donation very long ^_^
I'm with you, I used to do the white eyeliner a lot during HS... but the girls always said I looked tacky ;_; I'm so glad not everyone thinks Iit looks tacky or ridiculous :)
You did such a more fab job than me girl! :D I need a better white liner, my pencil aren't cutting it anymore. Making the wing at the end with white liner gets difficult so I just leave it as is half the time lol
sexyness sis! you rock that white liner! lurve it. :D
LOOOOOVE THE WHITE right above the black liner. u have inspired me.
Hope you get well soon, pretty blue look from you :), your hair is fabulous, now i wanns try the white eyeliner tip.
Gee: no prob girl, i just added you too :) yup i've noticed this hair is a lotttt easier to style too..quick zap of the blowdryer and i'm done!
mrs. lynne: thanks sis! i try ;)
joyce: thanks hon...trying to get better...but i made it to work today, so i'm better than yesterday
ilurvemakeup: well you just singlehandedly brought back this look hon :) i think the key with this look is to keep on sharpening the white liner...cuz mine got kinda crazy at times too, he he
chris: heck yah!
sheila: oh i know you could definitely rock this look missy
bliss: you should try it hon! it makes the eyes pop!
That look is cute on you, very Egyptian like! Hope you feel better soon!
<3 Halo Halo!!!! :P
lovin the new look! how do you like short hair! i cut mine short a while back and now im missing my long locks! you skin is very glowy and dewy....when i use white liner i just look all weird maybe becasue im all pale just blends in!
hi ren! it's my first time commenting any blog, ever, lol.
i just wanted to know how that nyx white eyeliner pencil is? good for waterline?
i love your looks.. so cute~
Ooh, I really want to try it, but I don't know how that'd turn out on me, haha.
By the way, your hair gets cuter everytime I see it! :)
oooo, i love how you blended the white line with the white shadow. i have GOT to do that. in fact, i'm gonna do THIS look. :0)
I actually couldn't get it to work for me the first time I tried it, but it looks terrific on you! Perhaps I'll give it another go... XD
This looks hot to trot! :)
Hope you are feeling better sis, I feel ya, i've been insanely busy I hardly have time to comment everyone, but I think about y'all!
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