I was digging through my files and found a before and after shot of one of the clients from the Trash the Dress Shoot. I was glad I found it because I didn't get a lot of close makeup shots with this shoot. You can see that her blue eyes really pop after the makeup was done.

Till next time, ciao bellas!
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Wowsers Woman
You worked mama OVAH-time... love your youtube channel and blog!!
If only I was in ATL!!! -tia
I love this her blue eyes definitely popped! :) Great job!
It looks like her entire iris grew a size. No circle lenses needed lol.
you did an amazing job!!!
Woah woah woah! Amazing what make-up can do. No wonder all the celebrities always look so gorgeous. If I didn't know better, I'd think thst she had popped in some blue contacts or something.
REN- AMAZING transformation.
VERY pretty. Did you do her hair too?
yeah! its pretty and still very natural
kimberly: thanks hon!
askmewhats: i know right...deep truth e/s did it!
le midget: lol i wonder what she would have looked like with circle lenses
nic nic: thx hon!
chyix: i know right! cuz when u see celebrities without makeup it's like ewwww
PJD: thanks girl!
lady jane: aww thanks for checking up on me...i'm still jacked up, lol..it wasn't vaseline though it's actually chapstick that made me have an allergic reaction...now i'm trying to use vaseline to recover...
jesmakeup: thanks hon!
omg her eyes really do pop.. gorg!
OMG she looks totally a different person! Make up can do miracles. :p She looks like a hot mama after the make up was done! :D
Wow, they really do pop! I love it when makeup just accentuates peoples' features instead of burying them in a ton of makeup! Simply gorg, Ren Ren (:
Wow... You really made her eye color pop
Wow! Gorgeous work!
she looks so much better! great job!
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