It was Time for a Change - New Mom Cut!

Hi Bellas,

Per yesterday's post...I finally made it back in the hair salon now that baby girl can take a bottle while i'm gone. I knew it was time for a change.  My hair has been long since forever and I've been thinking about going short for a while.  Check out my new mom friendly do!

I originally went to Artist A Hair Studio to have my roots touched up for the first time since baby girl has arrived.  On a whim, I also decided to go shorter!  We ended up chopping off 4 inches of hair! I wanted to cut more but my amazing hair stylist Adriana convinced me to go more gradual lol. 

I just feel so liberated with less hair waying me down when I have more important things to do like breastfeed, change diapers and calm a crying baby.  I've found that my hair drying process is cut in half which is a big deal when you're trying to do everything hoping baby stays asleep.  It's also still long enough for me to put into a ponytail which is very essential.

Did any of you do a big chop after your babies were born? I'm thinking of transition to a LOB (long bob) next.  I'm also thinking of adding a new fun color, stay tuned!