Over the last several months I've been on a hunt for various products to treat my hair. Since it's been bleached I've definitely noticed more dryness, split ends, and damage. I want to find the best products to keep my hair as healthy as possible. I've heard of the Aphogee Two Step Protein Treatment in the past. Check out my thoughts on the product!

I first heard about this product from Amy Pham - she had bleached her hair platinum and said that this product helped restore it from it's dry crispy state. I also read a lot of reviews online. It seems that this protein treatment is a good option for really damaged hair - color treated, permed, relaxed, etc.

I bought mine from Amazon for $18.52 for the 16 oz treatment. I thought it would have been two products as a Two Step Treatment but I just received the one. It does come with a conditioner but my purchase didn't include one.
First off, I shampooed and towel dried my hair as directed. I just used Head and Shoulders shampoo which I had in my shower. Next, you're supposed to saturate your hair root to tip with this product and comb it through with a wide tooth comb. First off, this product definitely had a strange smell - it smelled like a mix of apple cider and fish, eek! I definitely recommend doing this at night and not before going out.
The product itself is very liquidy but as it dries it becomes super sticky and then hardens. It was actually pretty difficult for me to run this through my hair with a comb. I think I would probably use something like a Wen conditioner beforehand so my hair is super detangled first. I ended up losing a lot of hair during this process - luckily I have a lot of it but still it was a bit alarming. The reviews say it hardens like clay but to me it felt as if I had a thick mousse in my hair. The product does dry clear. You're not supposed to move the hair as it dries or you can end up breaking off pieces and damaging your hair.
Next, you're supposed to sit under a dryer until everything dries. I didn't have one so I used my handheld blowdryer. It took about 25 minutes. It was a very messy, sticky process. My hair is long so the stuff got everywhere as I dried it...on my arms, my sink, yuck.
After it dried I went into the shower to gently rinse it out. I didn't have the Aphogee conditioner so I used my own. The reviews said to use a really good conditioner to restore the moisture to your hair.
Result: After rinsing the product out I did feel like my hair felt heavier in the shower - it might be psychological but I attributed it to the added protein deposits. After blowdrying my hair, I did notice that many of my damaged strands seemed to be filled in and my hair felt a little softer and thicker. The smell of the protein lingered overnight but luckily was gone the next morning. I also did notice that a day or two after the treatment, my split ends and dryness seemed to come back. You're only supposed to use this treatment every 6 weeks or else you may damage your hair.
In the end, I don't think this treatment was for me. It may work for others with severely damaged hair but for me, it wasn't worth the cost of $18.52 and application. I may try it again in 6 weeks since I already purchased it but I don't know if i'd recommend it for someone with a similar hair situation to mine.
Have you guys tried this treatment? Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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