5 Month Post Partum and Baby Update - First Baby!

Hi Guys,

So Bella is 5 months old!  I'd say this has been the most challenging month so far besides her first month.  I dealt with a medical issue that turned Bella's and I nursing routine upside down.  Oyvay!  Check it out!

Check out the video!

Mommy Update
- Massive allergic reaction - I went for a pedicure and came out with a crazy allergic reaction.  I ended up in urgent care and on steroids and Benadryl.  As a result my milk supply dried up for about a week and now Bella refuses to take the boob.  I've visited a lactation consultant and she's given me tips to increase my milk supply which have really helped but baby is only bottle feeding for now.  Still trying to work on getting her to nurse.  Oh and did I mention I got my period, dang!

Baby Update
Baby is current 13.15 pounds.  We've transitioning her to the crib slowly for aps.  She loves to sit up in her new fisher price floor seat and loves to do little baby scream talk.