Pregnancy Bump Date - Weeks 16 and 17 - First Baby!

Hi Bellas,

I'm back with another bump date!  Today I'm giving you a recap of Weeks 16 and 17 of my second trimester.  I show you some of my must haves and symptoms including an awesome belly cream and pregnancy workout routine.  Check it out!

Check out the video!

Symptoms Recap

  • Intense Allergies and congestion
  • Skin is extra dry and splotchy - check out my post on my updated skincare regimen here 
  • Constipation - I'm working on incorporating more fruits and vegetables and fiber into my diet now that morning sickness has passed
  • Itchy belly - apply lotion to help
  • The Linea Nigra has appeared!  It's a dark line showing on my belly from the pubic bone to my belly button
  • I'm starting to experience round ligament pain - sharp pains on the size of my hips which signal that my uterus is growing
We also announced the pregnancy and gender to our family in week 17.  Can you guess what it is?  Here's a sneak peak of my upcoming Gender Reveal video.

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