Makeup for Head Shots

Hi Bellas,

I'm back with another post. I recently took some head shots. I'll be teaching a class at the Makeup Show NY and needed a picture to put in their publication. I decided to make a post out of it and give you tips for applying head shot makeup to yourself or others.
Click here for more!
I actually took these pictures on a Tuesday night after a long day of work and class, at around 11:00pm lol. It helps to have BF who's a photographer. Check out my tips!

Tips for the FACE
Flash photography tends to wash out the face a bit, so I applied a heavier amount than usual. I made sure to work on my skin and make sure to contour the heck out of my face. I used the Cover FX cream foundation because it photographs beautifully. It gives great coverage but it also looks like skin. Remember - stay away from products with SPF for flash photography - you don't want the white cast on film.
Also, blush tends to not show on camera so I made sure to use NARS blushes which are super pigmented. Don't be afraid to add a little extra. I also stayed away from shimmer because that does not do well with photography. To take a little bit of the powder look away I used Skindinavia Moisturizing Makeup Setting Spray.

Tips for LIPS
For lips, I wanted to stick with a color that was rosy, my lips but better. I didn't want anything too nude or too dramatic since I wanted this to be pretty neutral. First, I lined my lips and filled them in completely. I wanted them to be defined for the picture. Then I covered it with the lipstick for color. Next, I added a sheer gloss just to the center of my bottom lip. You don't want to go too shiny all over for headshots because it looks a bit much.

Tips for EYES
For eye makeup, it's okay to have color, but you want to go for something on the neutral side - browns, creams, etc. I didn't feel that I had to have completely natural makeup...after all this is a head shot for a makeup artist. As a result, I went for a subtle smokey eyes using grays. I didn't need to do too much shadow since I stuck on a pair of lashes. Make sure to keep the shine to the minimum. Also, for eyebrows I tried to keep them very clean. Spend a little time on the brows, it really shapes the face.

The Final Look!
Here are some pre-shots to my head shots, lol.  I'll have the official shots in an upcoming post.

Here's What I Used:

Cover FX Kit - B
Cover FX Camouflage Concealer - Light
Eve Pearl Salmon Concealer - Medium
Ben Nye Banana Powder
MAC Blunt Blush
Eve Pearl HD Power Duo in Tan
NARS Deep Throat Blush
Skindinavia Moisture Lock Finishing Spray

Tarte Brow Pencil in Medium Brown
NYX Skin Tone Eyeshadow Base
MAC Holiday Smokey Kit
MAC Feline Kohl Power Pencil
Lancome Black Art Liner
Sonia Kashuk Glamour Lashes

Senna Cosmetics Rose Lip Pencil
L'Oreal Barely Nude Lipstick
Pink Lipgloss

Hope this helps! Till next time, Ciao Bellas!

FTC Disclosure: Post not sponsored.

Atlanta Makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer

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  1. this looks great! thank you for the tips :D

  2. great tips, Ren! I do notice that when there is flash involved and SPF, it shows this ugly white cast!! Thanks again babe :]

  3. I am BEYONDDDD excited to be able to meet you at The Makeup Show NY!!!! You look amazing and you do know I will be asking for an autograph. I am forever grateful for you participating in my blog series: "Up Close & Personal With Your Favorite Makeup Guru!"

  4. You look very beautiful! Awesome tips!

  5. Great post and great meeting you last night! I have to do an interview with you for one of my sites because not only do you know your makeup but you are super cool too!

  6. Congrats on teaching a class! You GO GIRL!! This is very nice clean look! Great post...thanks for sharing :)

  7. I just found your tutorials, do you still do them?

  8. You look beautiful! Great tips for flash photography!! You should do a post about natural lighting too!

  9. oh man i wish you had this post up when i was doing my makeup for grad photos. i have the cover fx foundation but was worried it would cast a white shadow because the foundation has an spf of 25?

  10. pretty makeup ren...wish i could go to your class at the makeup show but i'm expecting so i can't go :( hopefully next year you will be there? you have definitely made me love graftobian makeup (that was one of the first displays i went to last year lol). :) thanks for the great posts


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