Behind the Scenes: Crazy Bride Shoot

Hi Bellas,

Whenever I do a photoshoot, I like to take behind the scenes pictures.  And there are a couple of reasons why it's important to do so.  Check out my pics and advice below!

First off, you need to make sure it's not a closed set.  If it is, you cannot take photos.  If you can, it's nice to document the experience.  First off, I like to take a picture of the makeup to make sure it looks good on camera, and on flash.  Here is an example below.  I ended up adding a bit more blush as it doesn't show up as much as I'd like.

I also like documenting the makeup to put on Instagram and on social media for my followers to enjoy.  Sometimes, it takes several months to get your pictures back to photographers.  Your personal shots will hold you over in the meanwhile.

This was a Crazy Bride Shoot.  Check out the fun makeup and props.

Lastly, take pictures and send them to your models and hair stylists.  They love this and it helps to build relationships with your team.

Hope this advice was helpful!  More photoshoot makeup coming soon!

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