Giving Back - $200 Makeup Bag Giveaway!

Hi Bellas,

Happy Friday.  Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week.  I've been down with a back cold and working overtime on my corporate job.  Still, I wanted to make sure I got a video up this week and what better than to do a giveaway.  I'm really fortunate to have amazing sponsors who donated some awesome makeup for my Students at my non-profit and I'm giving an extra one away.  Check it out!

Check out the video!

I want to give a shout out to my amazing sponsors for donating makeup to my students.

And here are some of my students with their donations!

Giveaway Time!

I have an extra bag to giveaway!  There is nearly $200 worth of product in here.  To win, go to my Instagram @makeupbyrenren and follow me, like and comment on the giveaway post.  When I reach 7000 followers, i'll announce the winner.  Good luck!

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  1. What a great giveaway but more importantly your non profit that helps the next generation.


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