The Newest Beauty Sampling Program! - Box

Hi Bellas,

I've got a review for you.  Recently, I had the chance to test out a new beauty sampling program - the Box.  It's chocked full of known beauty brands and I was definitely impressed.  Check it out!

This sampling product starts out by having you take a short quiz to determine your style profile.  You also enter your eye color, skin tone, and hair color.  For example, my sample box was made from the following profile:

  • Clothes:  Edgy
  • Word:  Natural
  • Celebrity:  Katy Perry
  • Shoe:  Trendy
  • Handbag:  Sequined
  • Designer:  Alice & Oliva
  • Product:  Anything Bright

  From there, they custom select products for your box - kind of like your personalized closet for a lot of the monthly shoe club websites.  The website shows popular brands like Bobbi Brown, Urban Decay, Tarte, and more.  I didn't get any of those in my box this time :( but still got some recognizable brands.

Here are all the goodies you get in the box.  I count 8 products in total, a pretty good amount.  And all of them except the perfume samples are full size!

First off, we have some perfume samples.  For me, this is hit or miss.  Fortunately, both were a hit!  They both had citrus, tropical scents which definitely appealed to me.  I wore Sole Nire around the BF a few times and he liked it!
I was super excited to see a Paula Dorf product in there, it's my very first one and i've always wanted to try the brand.  You get a full-sized eye color glimmer which retails for $23.
This is a huge eyeshadow.  It has a lavender base with gold sheen on top.  Unfortunately, the shimmer doesn't always lay smoothly.  This is sometimes the case with shadows with a glittery top coat, but I like the lavender on its own.
This brand is new to me - Verhoeven.  The product was cheek candy-silky creme blush.  And yes it was super silky and came in a really nice, flattering shade.  The Verhoeven Cosmetics Cheek Candy Sunset retails for $16.
I think this is a nice, wearable product.  I don't use cream blushes too often out of preference, but this one is nice.  It's got just enough color to use as a base for a powder shadow without being too over the top.  You can apply it with your fingers or a synthetic brush.
I also got a few goodies from MyFaceCosmetics - another brand I discovered through the blog circuit.  First off was a silver, metallic liquid liner.  The MyFace Cosmetics Slinky Liquid Liner Black Ice retails for $18.
It had the traditional liquid liner packaging which I love.  The brush was a little on the flat side but workable - however, I loved the color!  It looks really nice as an alternative to black.  Great for the holidays.
I received two lip products from Beauty For Real, a brand that was new to me.  One included The Perfect Pencil Nude (retails for $14) pencil and then a Light Up Lip Gloss Stardust (retails for $22).
I've seen these type of light up glosses before and they are pretty nifty.  I like the mirror and light - great for touch ups at the club, lol.  But I don't think I'd necessarily need it on every lipgloss I owned.  This one comes with a sheer gloss with a pinky gold shimmer - fortunately it goes with every look so I can keep this in my clutch.  Did I mention that it leaves a minty sensation on your lips?  I'm not always one for that but I really like it on this one, very refreshing!
The lip pencil is a rosy pink that they claim is the only pencil you'll ever need.  I'm not sure about that, but it is a very nice universal color that I can see myself getting a lot of use out of.
Lastly, I got this Lil' Bling nail polish, also from MyFace Cosmetics, which retails for $12.  It actually matches the eyeliner, just noticed that lol.  Unfortuantely, it came with a huge dent in the middle of the top, lol, but it still works.  I found it a bit streaky but nothing a few coats can't solve.
Overall, I thought it was a pretty decent box.  You definitely get a lot of straight up beauty products - as opposed to other beauty sampling programs where they tend to fill it with hair and skincare.  They even give you a face chart on how to create a look from the items in the box - good idea!

I wasn't over the moon over any one item, but I felt pretty satisfied with the box.  Mind you, your box could be completely different based on your the questionnaire you take to determine your makeup profile.

You can find more about this program at .  I like how the shipping order shows full priced items.  I do like how you their is free shipping both ways, meaning you can return the products if you don't like them - not something typical from a beauty sampling program.  I encourage you guys to give it a try!

FTC Disclosure:  Products sponsored for review.  I am not affiliated with this company and not paid to write this review.  These are my honest thoughts and opinions.

Atlanta makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer

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  1. I got this box too! I got the blue topaz one and i think it is great. it is a tad pricy, but you do get a lot!

  2. Thanks Niki and Renelyn :) !!


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