FOTD: Sleek Makeup Bright Blue Eyes and Pink Lips

Hi Bellas,

I'm back with another FOTD.  Today I'm bringing you a look featuring Sleek Makeup, a UK cosmetics brand.  The looks i bright and fun and completely affordable. Check it out!
I went for bright blue eyes and a funk pink lip.  I used the Original Sleek Eyeshadow palette because it had a lot of nice jewel tones.  The colors are nice and pigmented.  Be careful though because the palette can get a bit dusty.  Also, these are mainly shimmer shadows...not overly glittery, but you will want to include some mattes in the look to balance it out.
The lips come from a pink Eau La La lip liner called Red Night Sky, which I used to fill in and line the lips.  I topped it off with a nude pout polish in Bare Minimum for shine.
I threw my hair in a top knot bun so it'd be all about the makeup.

Hope you guys enjoyed!  I'm considering doing a look using the Sleek Original Eyeshadow Palettes.  Let me know if you have a request in the comments below!

FTC Disclosure:  Post not sponsored.

Atlanta Makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer

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  1. Renren, I just got 3 of these babies. I got Sunset, The Original, and Storm(which is my favorite). I just did a look using Sunset and The Original :) Lookie:

  2. I love the sleek palettes!


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