Products I Regret Buying - Black Radiance Eyeshadow Duo

Hi Bellas,

I'm back with another post in my "Products I Regret Buying Series".  These are items I purchased with my own money, and was disappointed with the results.  Hopefully I can share my review with you all to give you guys an idea of whether or not you want to buy it.  My post today's features an eyeshadow duo that looked pretty in the pan, but performed poorly on the eyes.

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I picked up the Black Radiance Sunrise/Sunset Duo from either Wal-Greens/CVS or Rite of those drug stores a few months back.  It was very affordable.  I think it was around $3.
It comes with a convenient mirror in the back that actually works.
The colors are a very pretty gold and bronze tone.
They swatch beautifully.  The texture is smooth and the color pay-off is great.  I was thinking that the bronze color might be an awesome dupe for my MAC beloved Glamour Check eyeshadow which was a limited edition item.

Unfortunately, when I applied the shadows they simply did not last.  I even used it with my regular eyeshadow primer.  After 2 or 3 hours, my shadow started disappearing and the blended out edges were no longer there...leaving me looking like I had applied eyeshadow very very poorly, lol.  I love the colors, but they just don't hold up well.

-really pretty colors
-goes on really smooth

-color doesn't last, even with a base
-after a few hours it literally disappears

What's the point of buying makeup if it doesn't stay on for more than an hour?  I wouldn't recommend this product.

Have you tried Black Radiance eyeshadows?  Maybe I just got a bad batch?  I'm interesting in hearing your feedback in the comments below.

FTC Disclosure:  Products purchased by me.

Atlanta Makeup Artist
Atlanta Photographer

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  1. Aww those colors look so pretty! It's sad they did not last...

  2. will keep away from these. thanks! tips are very HELPFUL,

  3. Hiii!

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