Makeup Bar - Tonya

Hi Bellas,

I wanted to share with you another client from my most recent Makeup Bar I participated in.  Tonya was so easy to make over.  She had gorgeous skin and a great eye shape to work with.  I used Jennifer Hudson as my makeup inspiration and went with her signature smokey silver eye with a touch of brown.

For her look, I used a combination of Yaby and MAC shadows.  Remember, when doing photography makeup, it's okay to go a little heavier than you would with everyday makeup to account for bright lighting.  This is especially true when it comes to blush.

Here are a few shots I took prior to the shoot.

Here are a few of the pro shots.  Credit to MMFotography

Till next time, Ciao Bellas!

Post a Comment

  1. Hey REN!I love the colour combo! what lipstick is she wearing?

  2. Love it!!! The eye make-up looks amazing!

  3. You do an amazing job on women! :)

  4. This looks so great, she's luminous! Nice work Ren!


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