Winner of Mineral Magic Microdermabrasian Mask

Hi Bellas!

Sorry I forgot to announce the winner yesterday, but I was swamped with work. Thanks everyone for entering the giveaway on Tuesday for Mineral Magic's Microdermabrasian Mask.

I used to generate a winner out of the 78 comments.

The winner is comment #73, Sassy Sewing Diva! Please email me at with your name and address so that I can mail you your prize.

For those of you who didn't win, you can purchase this mask and facial cleansing brush for $25 at

I'm planning another product giveaway next week, stay tuned!

Atlanta Makeup Artist

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  1. congratulations to the winner! <3

  2. Congrats to the winner! :) I think I'll head on over to the web site and bookmark it. Kinda short on cash this month but will look into getting it soon. Glad you reviewed it. Thank you! :)

  3. BTW, I went to and it's just a parked search page. I found that the actual url is - finding the actual page was hard so I give the full link to the product.


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